
Showing posts from April, 2019

New awareness of mistreatment of women in Spain

This newspaper article has been published by the French newspaper "le Monde" on the 9th of March 2019 Violence of men against women: Spain is waking up Since 2004, the country has put in place measures in order to protect the victims of maale violence agaainst women. In 2018, 47 women died, and in 2003, even 71 did. If we had to set a date for the beginning of a generalized awareness of violence against women in Spain , it would be the 17th of December 1977. On this day, sixty year old Ana Orantes  has been burnt alive by her ex-husband. Ten days before that, this Andalousian mother of 8 kids testified on TV that she had been mistreated, humiliated and isolated by her husband. In front of the viewers, she explained that after the legalization of her divorce in 1981, she had more than 15 complaints against him, without gettin...

The happiest people live in Finland

29.04.19 Titel : "The happiest people live in these countries" Source : Frankfurter Allgemeine Author : / Date of publication: 20.03.2019 The happiest people are living in Finland Finland was elected on 20th march as happiest country for the second time in a row. Denmark, Norway, Iceland have followed. Some factors who lead to this conclusion are the high GDP per head, the high life expectancy and the low level of corruption in gouvernment and in economy. The Fins have achieved also a high score in a survey within the question " How happy  do you feel?".

Bomb scare against conservative german politician

Titel: "Bomb scare against CDU politician Voss" Source : Frankfurter Allgemeine Author : Michael Hanfeld Date of publication : 15.03.2019 Bomb scare against german politician, origin in Finland A german member of the EU parliament, Axel Voss, member of the conservative party ( VVP in the EU parliament) was confronted with a bomb scare. He got a message on social media whose origin has been in Finland: If Voss agreed on article 13 (concerning regulation around online copyright) explosive material would go off in his office. Of course Voss reported it to the police. Since a few months ago, the german politician has got threats like these in consequence of his political work.

Dramatic fall of a child in Spain

The article has been published by the French newspaper "Le Monde" on March 11, 2019 Millions of wells threatening Spanish ecosystems and the lives of people After the dramatic death, in January, of a 2 year old kid, having fallen into a non-declared well, public attention has been focused on these wells used for pumping water illegally. During 13 days, from the 13 th   to the 26 th of January, the entire country was desperately waiting for the young Julen to be saved. He fell into a well, a 100 meter deep and only 25 cm wide, situated in the middle of the Totalan Mountains. His dad saw him disappear when they stayed with friends, who happened to be the owners of the land. Since the very first day, the hope of rescuing him alive was tiny. And it was getting even tinier from day to day because of the na...

The incredible scenario of the attack on the North Korean embassy in Madrid

Article in french: (Article in french about Spain ) Source of article: Date of publication: 27/03/19 Author: Sandrine Morel and Harold Thibault Summary in english: The investigation accuses a Mexican citizen of having sought to sell to the FBI information stolen during the attack on the North Korean embassy , that took place on the 22/02/19 in Madrid. During this attack, computer equipment was stolen by ten men after sequestering for four hours the North Korean diplomatic staff. The attack was piloted by a Mexican citizen, called Adrian Hong Chang, that lives in the USA. It is not known who is behind this operation. The attack would have been claimed by an enigmatic group called Chellima Civil Defense (CCD), whose goal is to overthrow the Kim dynasty. But there is no undeniable proof that this group actu...

New bubble of fear caused by real estate fever

Article in french : (Article in french about Spain ) Source of article: Date of publication: 26/03/19 Author: Sandrine Morel Summary in english: Spain is enduring a real estate fever. That means that more and more people are buying proprieties like houses and apartements. In 2018, 580 000 transactions were made, which is a  record since 2007. The sale number increased of 14,8 percent in 2017 and of 8 percent in 2018. This created an increase of the prices by 30 percent in two years and also more appartements are being built. A man, that lives in a chic suburbain in Madrid, told that sailsmen came 3 times  at his house to ask him if he would like to sell a propriety or if he knew neightbors who would . In places like Valencia or Sevilla the price is of about 3 000 € per m2 and in chic neightborhoods it ...

Spain: Circuses with wild animals now banned in Madrid The 27th of March, Madrid's town hall voted for a text banning the Circuses using wild animals. Most conservatives voted against it. By voting this law, the city follows the example of many other Spanish communities.

Spain: an important forest fire extinguished in the North-West of the country The 25th of March, a huge fire, started in Galicia. The fire has been extinguished by the 28th of March, with the help of a few hundreds of firefighters, seven helicopters and five water bomber planes.  The authorities had to evacuate two schools, and the fire destroyed 1 200 hectares, making it one of the most disastrous ones since October 2017.

Germany: Life sentence to a German for poisoning the snacks of his co-workers

The German court formed by the judges of the Provincial Court of Bielefeld condemned on Thursday to life imprisonment for attempted murder in three cases and physical injuries to a 57-year-old man who poisoned for years the snack consumed by his colleagues during breaks in the working day They also ruled the forced internment of the accused once the maximum penalty was served, considering that the man has a tendency to continue committing serious crimes. The case opened after finding one of the partners discovered a suspicious white powder in his sandwich and photographed it. At least three colleagues were poisoned with lead and mercury: two of them suffer irreversible damage to the kidneys, and a third has been in a vegetative state for two years.

Germany: Officials evacuate government buildings in six German cities after e-mail bomb threats

The city councils of six German cities have been evacuated early Tuesday because of several anonymous bomb threats they have received by mail, according to the police, although no concrete danger has been found in the buildings at the moment. The cities of Augsburg, Kaiserslautern, Chemnitz, Göttingen, Neunkirchen and Rendsburg have received threats by mail, and their consistorial buildings are being examined by the police, which does not rule out that there are more populations involved.

Finland: The experiment on a universal basic income in Finland

The conversation between Rafael Contrasenso and Thomas More has been rehashed this week, following the publication of preliminary results on the Universal Basic Income (UBI) experiment in Finland. There may have been more hashtags, but no fewer mentions of the word ‘utopia’. In this review, we look at how the results of the Finnish UBI experiment were viewed in the blogosphere and social media, and how they fit with longstanding questions over the impact of UBI in developed countries. Context Effects on well-being and long-term labour supply Opponents of UBI, such as Nathan Keeble at Mises, argue that a substantial reduction in labour supply necessarily follows the introduction of UBI, through income effects. Hoynes and Rothstein (2019), in ‘Universal Basic Income in the US and Advance Countries’, point to the Blundell and Macurdy (1999) literature review as evidence of negative income elasticities of labour. Similar estimates are obtained when looking at lottery estimates, a possible ...

Finland: Finnish government resignation after health reform failure

A reform for the healthcare regulation was proposed by the coalition government led by Juha Sipila, in order to cut costs, and as a consequence boost the economy of private healthcare entities. The government, consisting of a coalition of the centrist party, the conservative party and the extreme right party, had already stated that they would resign if the proposal was to be refused by the parliamentary committee. When this happened a few weeks away from the elections on the 14 of April, they renounced to their term of office left before the elections

Greece: Greece will emit 10-years government bonds for the first time after they were rescued in 2010

Greece has ordered the emission of 10-year government bonds after they have completed the recovery from the crisis. They accepted a rescue plan in 2010 and in January of 2019 they emitted 5-years bonds, which were a complete success, and these new bonds are expected to be even a bigger triumph.

Greece: No plans for the future for refugees trapped in Greece after the agreement with Turkey

There are families that arrived in Greece just a few days before the treatment between the European Union and Turkey that consisted of trying to slow down the entrance of immigrants . Since that moment there are people trapped there. A count has been made and it is known that there are 72.000 refugees. Also, there are thousands of people living in refugee camps. But nevertheless, the treatment has not stopped refugees from trying to enter the country.

France: Hundred of dolphins mutilated in France

Found with deep wounds, their tails broken and flippers fractured because of the nets. The ONG “Sea Shepherd France” has claimed that between December 2018 and March 2019 more than 700 dolphins have appeared dead, but they think only the 20% of them die because of the nets, the rest are thought to be killed by the fishers.

France: Decathol refuse to sell their hijab in France due to multiple complaints

A new polemic appears in French society after the multinational Decathlon announced the intention of commercializing a sports hijab made for Muslim women. This product is for sale in different companies such as Nike or H&M in order to make the practice of sport accessible to all women. But after the announcement was made, Decathlon received an avalanche of criticism from different political sectors and some complaints in social media, that made them give an abrupt reversal and decided not to commercialize this product.

France: Activists prevented the performance "Iketides" at the University of Sorbonne

In France, activists prevented the performance "Iketides" at the University of Sorbonne on Monday accusing the director of "racism" as some of the actors were wearing black masks. The Minister of Supreme Education and the Minister of Culture condemned this action pointing out that by forbidding the realisation of the play the trouble makers impose themselves discrimination and exclusion. A small group that fights against "racism" prevented actors and audience from entering in the amphitheatre. In the play, Danaos' daughters arrive in Argos as "Iketides" (beggars) in order to avoid the marriage with their cousins. Men and women wearing black and white masks play their roles. The Representative Council of France's Black Associations (CRAN) stated that they decided to boycott the performance after the great number of complaints and claimed that this practice goes back to the colonial slavery era when a white man was disguised as a black. How...

Spain: Spanish advertise Madrid's sights on a bicycle

Kune Office, a Madrid-based architectural office, designed “Plazabike” in order to bring together important architectural elements of Madrid. The idea behind the project was to represent the identity of new urban development by using key elements: the corners of the streets. The purpose of the project was to make people think of how Spain's capital has grown. “Plazabike” was designed as a tricycle, incorporating a rack at the back, on which the "corners of the streets" were fixed (1.3 x 1.2 X 1.45 meters). This means that "Plazabike" is a kind of mobile architecture with storage space where folding chairs or tables can be stored for a city’s picnic. Source:

Finland: World Happiness Index: Finland at the top of the list with the world's happiest countries.

Income, social support, life expectancy, decision-making, generosity and lack of political corruption are the factors that shape the list of the happiest countries according to the United Nations report. The Scandinavian countries are first on the list. Finland is at the top of the list this year, a country that despite its harsh winters its citizens are happy. “They pay high taxes in order to have a social safety net, they trust their government, they live in conditions of freedom and they are generous among themselves. They look after each other”. The 10 happiest countries: Finland Denmark Norway Iceland Netherlands Switzerland Sweden New Zealand Canada Source:

Spain: Spanish tax authorities investigate Neymar

After investigating Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi, the Spanish tax authorities have put another football star under the spotlight. Neymar, as revealed by the newspaper "El Mundo", is being investigated for tax evasion regarding Barcelona bonuses as well as his transfer to Paris Saint-Germain. The authorities are investigating the case that the 27-year-old has not paid the correct taxes due on his revenue and he is expected to be brought to justice in order to give further explanation. Source: