Dramatic fall of a child in Spain
The article has been published by the French newspaper "Le Monde" on March 11, 2019
Millions of wells threatening Spanish ecosystems and the lives of people
After the dramatic death, in January, of a 2 year old kid, having fallen into
a non-declared well, public attention has been focused on these wells used for
pumping water illegally.
During 13 days, from the 13th to the 26th of January, the entire
country was desperately waiting for the young Julen to be saved. He fell into a
well, a 100 meter deep and only 25 cm wide, situated in the middle of the
Totalan Mountains. His dad saw him disappear when they stayed with friends, who
happened to be the owners of the land.
Since the very first day, the hope of rescuing him alive was tiny. And it
was getting even tinier from day to day because of the narrowness of the well,
the hard rock and a possible rockslide.
But still, all kind of media were closely following the firefighters who
were building a parallel tunnel with an elevator. Everyone wanted to believe in
a miracle.
Finally, on the 26th of January, they managed to extract the
dead body of the young kid. The autopsy revealed that he probably died from a head
trauma during his fall…
(The ecological impact of well drilling was dealt with in the second part of the article which was no open access)
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