Finland: Finnish government resignation after health reform failure
A reform for the healthcare regulation was proposed by the coalition
government led by Juha Sipila, in order to cut costs, and as a consequence
boost the economy of private healthcare entities.
government led by Juha Sipila, in order to cut costs, and as a consequence
boost the economy of private healthcare entities.
The government, consisting of a coalition of the centrist party, the
conservative party and the extreme right party, had already stated that they
would resign if the proposal was to be refused by the parliamentary
committee. When this happened a few weeks away from the elections on
the 14 of April, they renounced to their term of office left before the
conservative party and the extreme right party, had already stated that they
would resign if the proposal was to be refused by the parliamentary
committee. When this happened a few weeks away from the elections on
the 14 of April, they renounced to their term of office left before the

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