France: Activists prevented the performance "Iketides" at the University of Sorbonne

In France, activists prevented the performance "Iketides" at the University of Sorbonne on Monday accusing the director of "racism" as some of the actors were wearing black masks. The Minister of Supreme Education and the Minister of Culture condemned this action pointing out that by forbidding the realisation of the play the trouble makers impose themselves discrimination and exclusion. A small group that fights against "racism" prevented actors and audience from entering in the amphitheatre. In the play, Danaos' daughters arrive in Argos as "Iketides" (beggars) in order to avoid the marriage with their cousins. Men and women wearing black and white masks play their roles. The Representative Council of France's Black Associations (CRAN) stated that they decided to boycott the performance after the great number of complaints and claimed that this practice goes back to the colonial slavery era when a white man was disguised as a black. However, the two ministers hope that the performance will take place in the following weeks.


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