Greece populist party

In Greece the populist party has grown  to accountability

The leftwing populist party Syriza took responsibility and fixed Greek’s course.
Now parliamentary elections are approaching and Syriza is pinched.
In 2015 during the parliamentary elections Finland’s political conversation was heated by Greece,
as financial assistance was provided to the country.  
Especially the True Finns party demanded that Finnish money must stay in Finland.
When the party ended up in the government,
Finland’s government gave permission to start negotiations that eventually led to third support package’s
Greece will have  parliamentary elections in October.
The right-wing New Democracy Party has gone past Syriza in the surveys.
Syriza’s merit list is considerable after the approval of the third support packages.  
Syriza has fulfilled the l requirements list given with the the support comendably
and disengaged from the support program and applied for a loan from the market.
Greece’s economy has been growing for a couple of years.  

Greece is still in heavy debt, productivity is  weak and the unemployment rate is over 18 %.
The country has, however, became a responsible  economic actor lead by the ex-populist party.

The party’s responsibility can be tested, if it is threatened by an election defeat.


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