Greece demands reparations from Gremany

Greece demands reparations from Germany for the  nazi occupation - Germany: “The matter is closed”                                         

According to Greek Parliament Germany owes them over 300 billion euros.

The Parliament decided on the matter yesterday.
Both the government and the opposition supported the decision.
This is the first time that the Greek Parliament has officially taken
the reparations case under consideration.
The Greek Kathimerini newspaper lists  the forced loan germany took from Greece in 1942,
the theft of archaeological treasures, the material damage suffered by the Nazi victims,
and the suffering of the families of Nazi victims among the damages to be compensated for.
Nazis caused a famine  in Greek where over 100 000 people died.
Moreover, the  nazis took over 50 000 Jews from Greece to the Auschwitzs concentration camp.
According to the Parliament's decision, Greece should use
“all the necessary diplomatic and legal means” to receive war reparations from Germany.

According to the German Government's spokesman Germans are aware of their historical responsibility,
but the matter is both legally and politically closed.


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